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Clarifye Eye Exams—Next Generation Eye Care—For Those That Care

CLARIFYE diagnostic technology provides measurements of the curvature of the eye, this allows for the detection of changes in your eye health that may develop over time.

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Out with the old. In with the new.

You know the old way with those dreaded test lens questions, “Which is better? One, or two?” And you think, “This must be important. What if I get it wrong? Wait! Let me see number one again!” Seriously, is this still how we do eye exams, by trial and error?

The answer is not anymore.

Meet Clarifye, whose initial measurement is so precise it helps reduce the guesswork of “which is better?”

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Collage Doc Torrey Exam

Clarifye facts:

  • A whole new way to get your eyes checked
  • Clarifye is exclusive to LensCrafters
  • A most comprehensive understanding of your eye health and vision
  • Combines advanced digital technology with the personalized touch of skilled optometrists.

CLARIFYE provides a customized prescription, including a prescription for night vision needs.

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How is Clarifye used?

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Eye doctors use advanced digital eye exam technology to map your

eye and determine your vision prescription for glasses or contacts with incredible accuracy. During your eye exam, we do a comprehensive assessment of your eye health.

Clarifye helps identify conditions such as corneal disease, cataracts, and other health issues, even earlier than other diagnostic tools, so we can protect your precious sight with preventative eye care. With the information from Clarifye, we can correct common night vision issues like glare, starbursts, and halos around on-coming headlights, making night driving safer and less stressful for your eyes.

Clarifye provides digital eye charts with sharper edges and more uniform brightness. The Clarifye lens Profiler measures your glasses lenses to compare your former and current prescriptions.

Clarifye at Dr. Carlson and Associates

Collage Waiting Room

We will review your Clarifye results together with you, viewing the advanced digital images of your eye for a comprehensive assessment of your eye health and vision. As your eye doctors, we will provide a digitally precise prescription, advise you about your eyewear and lenses that are customized for your lifestyle needs, and recommend important steps you should take to protect your sight long term.

Clarifye®: A State of the art, digital eye exam that includes a high-definition health scan of your eyes.

1. Clarifye is available at LensCrafters in states where LensCrafters employs doctors. In other states, eye exams are available at the independent doctor of optometry at or next to LensCrafters who lease the Clarifye eye exam experience from LensCrafters. In California, eye exams are available at LensCrafters locations from independent doctors of optometry at or next to LensCrafters. The optometrists in California are not employed by LensCrafters, which does not provide eye exams.

2. CLARIFYE utilizes corneal topography to map the digital ‘fingerprint’ of the cornea of the eye, wavefront Hartmann Shack images to map the digital ‘fingerprint’ of the crystalline lens of the eye, and wavefront aberrometry to map the digital ‘fingerprint’ of the entire visual system (9.5mm of pupil).

3. Clarifye is available in select locations.

4. The Clarifye exam provides diagnostic information and measurements of many different types of ocular health areas, including corneal topography (corneal conditions such as Keratoconus, Pellucid Marginal Degeneration, etc.), retinal imaging (retinal conditions such as macular degeneration, diabetes, retinal tears, etc.), non-contact tonometry (glaucoma), etc. Doctors are able to compare the results of these types of ocular health tests from one exam to another enabling them to diagnose changes in the health of the eye over time.

5. CLARIFYE automatically selects the best vision prescription starting point for the subjective refraction (which is better 1 or 2 prescription refinement process). When Wavefront (WF) is selected for a patient (which is the case for ~80% to 90% of patients), minimal subjective refinement is required meaningfully reducing the number of 1 or 2 subjective refinement comparisons. This enables the doctor to precisely pinpoint a customized prescription for the patient.

6. Because of lens manufacturing tolerances, the simulation may not replicate exactly the prescription lenses


Retinal Imaging is an important part of our standard of care at Carlson Eyecare Centers. It allows us to see a range of eye diseases or potential issues at an early stage. The maximum out-of-pocket cost for this is $39, and can be as low as $0 depending on insurance coverage.